
My primary research focus is on students’ learning of complex tasks and concepts in STEM domains. Specifically, I investigate how classroom activities and learning environments affect engagement and learning in engineering and science domains. My second research focus is on verbal interactions in collaborative learning settings. I am particularly interested in dialogue patterns and the co-construction of knowledge in small groups and teams. My third research focus is on metacognition and its implications for learning. I am exploring methods to enhance the student reflection-instructor feedback cycle in technology-enhanced learning environments.
Please visit the publications page to see my scholarly work, for details on some projects you may visit and

Funded Projects (2014 – Present):
Since 2014, my collaborators and I received a total amount of $10.8 million in research grants to fund our research projects and support our students.

Here is the list of the funded projects:

  1. Innovation in Quantum Pedagogy, Application and its Relation to Culture (IQPARC)
    Funded by the US Department of Defense (DoD)
    PI: Mahdi Hosseini, Co-PIs: Muhsin Menekse, Erica Carlson
    Total Amount: $2,815,000
  2. Enhancing Undergraduate STEM Education by Integrating Mobile Learning Technologies with Natural Language Processing
    Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
    PI: Muhsin Menekse, Co-PIs: Diane Litman and Ala Samarapungavan
    Total Amount: $1,398,642
  3. Quantum Technologies for K-12 Teachers and Students
    Funded by the Purdue College of Engineering
    PI: Muhsin Menekse, Co-PI: Mahdi Hosseini
    Total Amount: $75,000
  4. Excellence in STEM Teaching in Indiana through Integrating Engineering Practice and Design Principles
    Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF)
    PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Muhsin Menekse, Selcen Guzey, Paul Asunda, Jill Newton
    Total Amount: $1,415,500
  5. Integration of Engineering Design and Life Science: Investigating the Influence of an Intervention on Student Interest and Motivation in STEM Fields
    Funded by NSF
    PI: Selcen Guzey, Co-PIs: Muhsin Menekse, Lynn Bryan, Kari Clase
    Total Amount: $1,838,015
  6. Enhancing Engineering Education by Integrating the Reflection and Feedback Cycle with Mobile Technologies
    Funded by The Purdue Research Foundation Research Grants
    PI: Muhsin Menekse
    Total Award: $39,530
  7. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education by Integrating Natural Language Processing with Mobile Technologies Funded by the Learning Research & Development Center Grant PI: Muhsin Menekse, Co-PIs: Diane Litman, Jingtao Wang Total Award: $149,009
  8. Investigating Motivation and Transfer in Physical Science through Preparation for Future Learning Instruction
    Funded by NSF
    PI: Tim Nokes-Malach, Co-PIs: Muhsin Menekse, Tanner Wallace
    Total Award: $593,278
  9. Integrated STEM and Computing Learning in Formal and Informal Settings for Kindergarten to Grade 2
    Funded by NSF PI: Monica Cardella, Co-PIs: Senay Purzer, Sean Brophy, Tamara Moore, Morgan Hynes, Muhsin Menekse (Senior Personnel)
    Total Award: $2,044,930
  10. Strengthening Indiana’s Future through the 21st Century STEM Teachers Scholarship Program
    Funded by Indiana Department of Education
    PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Muhsin Menekse, Selcen Guzey
    Total Amount: $439,668